Collection of Sayings in the book

As you read the book, you will discover sayings* or sentences you might want to reflect upon. I have compiled a few of them for you and noted in which chapter you will find them.

Beginning of the book (Stress & Impatience)
"No medication can help against stress."

The Beginning
"Only what remains is firmly anchored in us."

Mindfulness & Awareness
"The most important time is today. The most important time is now and here. This is why you will rarely find answers in the past or in the future."

Change & Habits
"If you don't want a thing, you can always find a way not to do it, as it's much more convenient to leave everything as it is."
"Another perspective is the beginning of change."
"You always have the opportunity to start so that you gradually become the person you want to be. Therefore, consciously make the decisions every day what should happen here and now in your life."

Happiness & Joy
"You won't be happy until you stop wanting to become happy."
"Start being happy now instead of waiting for a next goal you want to achieve in order to become happy."
"Happiness is a permanent state and the sum of the little happiness pieces that happen every day."
"You can only find true happiness in yourself and not outside of yourself."

Comparing & Envy
"Everyone looks to the right, to the left and up - never down."
"As a reward for always being at the forefront, we hope to receive the recognition and love we are looking for."
"If we constantly devalue what we have and value that of others, then the feeling of dissatisfaction will arise."
"Focus your energy on what you want to achieve and don’t waste it by looking at what others have achieved."

Renunciation & Frugality
"The less you own, the richer, freer and happier you are."
"Do not orientate yourself on possessions and wealth, because real wealth rarely has anything to do with material things."
"Those who are materially rich can actually be very poor."

Equanimity & Letting Go
"Equanimity means: Staying calm with an inner smile - in every situation."
"Because things are seldom as important as they seem or as other people want you to believe."

Love & Trust
"No conditions, hopes, or expectations to get something in return should be attached to love as otherwise it is more like a business."
"The best contract is of no use if the person behind it is not trustworthy."
"Don’t be afraid to put your trust in others, but know when someone wants to harm you."
"True love gives trust, comes from the heart and overcomes crises."

Fear & Worry
"There are people who are so scared of losing their lives that they have lost their lives out of sheer fear."
"When fear is involved, probabilities quickly become secondary."

Self-Confidence & Self-Love
"If something isn't possible for others, that doesn't mean it's impossible for you either."
"Change begins when you know who you are instead of having a picture of who you want to be."
"It does not matter what you have done or achieved so far or which way you have gone, the only important thing is what you are doing now."
"Have patience and trust in yourself, then everything will come by itself when the time is right."
"Learn who you are, love yourself and believe in yourself and what you can do. Go your own way and live your own life. This leads to the fact that you see yourself as valuable, have respect for yourself and your self-confidence is permanently strengthened. Because then it is no longer important what others think of you and you can do what you want and finally be yourself."
"Everyone can allow themselves to make mistakes, because if we believe that we are doing something right, then nothing can be wrong with it."

Acceptance & Appreciation
"In order to lead a life of mutual respect and appreciation, the goal is to accept others instead of just tolerating them."
"We do not have to throw overboard what we are convinced of, but we grant the right to allow views other than ours."
"Don't wait to tell the people you care about that they are special - that they are important in your life. Now is always the right time for appreciation and recognition."

Hope & Courage
"A lot of what we see is the result of hope, because it gives us the courage to act, the strength to keep going and to never give up."
"Anything, no matter how hopeless at first glance, can open up a new task with new possibilities and opportunities. You just have to have the courage to change what you can change, accept the challenge and not give up, even if you suffer setbacks in between."
"Don't waste your energy unnecessarily trying to change something that cannot be changed anyway."

Stress & Impatience
"It's better to be patient, steady and relaxed instead of short, fast and stressful."
"Everything takes time and you don’t get more work done under stress, you are just more exhausted afterwards and have trouble calming down."
"No medication helps against stress, only taking care of yourself."
"Just do nothing but a lot of unnecessary actions that now lead to no change and no result."

Health & Strength
"To better understand what makes us sick, it is important to know what keeps us healthy."
"Health is always to be seen holistically as the interplay between body, thoughts (spirit) and subconscious (soul)."

Nature & Freedom
"We owe everything we see to nature. For this reason, we cannot allow something so unique to take a back seat and become a matter of fact."
"In nature we feel free, because here everything happens without compulsion - all by itself."

Anger & Forgiveness
"Learn to excuse, to forgive and let go, because then you will be free again and be able to live in peace with yourself."

Life & Lifetime
"Live in the here and now - which also means: Have time in the here and now."
"If something has the right priority for us, then we always have time for it."
"You are the author of your life and you determine the content and duration of the phases in your life. Every phase of life is worth living and has its time."

Impermanence & Grief
"When we die, we leave everything behind and it passes to the next one, so in the end it doesn't belong to anyone."
"Everything is finite, nothing is eternal, so use the time you have."

Self-Knowledge & Wisdom
"Only when we know who we are, then we also know what we want and what goals (wishes) we have, otherwise one walks aimlessly through life without a plan."
"Look at your life positively, happily and calmly, act prudently in the future, know what is important and strive to improve your own well-being and that of others."

The End
"You alone determine what the reality looks like between your beginning and your end."
"No matter how long the journey takes, we are always at the beginning - also at the end."

End of the book (about Equanimity & Letting Go)
"Equanimity is a permanent state."

Which saying or phrase from the book do you like best? Write it to me.

*I researched all sayings and did not find any matches to existing sayings. Should you discover a saying that already exists, then please write it to me so that I can add the author's name (of the original source).

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